Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cecilia Ramon’s drawings

Her lines smolder. The line seems to be reaching, not drawn from the hand but marks from an emerging landscape with octaves of light and absence. The line traces the cracks in stone and branches like a twig. The pressure is uneven, faint, heavy, coarse or fine. Angles, trapezoids, a zigzag. Near the edge, a web of lines, a weaving, not as if it was meant for the whole, but to join two opposing directions.

The paper is scored, fractured, scarred, perforated. Stitched in short lines, not a repair but a language of needle and thread.

A transparent wash of orange, yellow, or clay glides through the image and over scars and fractures and beyond, off the page.

In one drawing, the white canyon of the page opens into a glimpse of sheer blue/green, vestige of a civilization or a map, with an archipelago. Or perhaps it’s a shard, suspended upon a thread, raw edged and in the pale wash of clay, pierced back to front with broken threads, floating. She has given us another plane, a third dimension that floats in front of us.

heart or cloud

sound & still-motion response using original artwork by molly tillotson

silence / 1

sound & still-motion response using original artwork by cecilia ramon

silence / 1


ghosts breathe
an emptyness or forest
trace of birds or cloud
wind ...


graphite line
drawn / stillness

blank paper
frayed lines
shadow and light

poema en tres actos / poem in three acts

escena uno / scene one

una mujer mira con calma—sentada—ventana / a woman looks calmly—seated—window
decide ser y dejar que sea lo que supo siempre / she decides to be and to let be what she always knew
un anhelo hoy, un saber de siempre-desposeer-desposeerse / today a longing, a knowing that has always been-to desposess- to let go of oneself

sabemos que habla de lo que ha comprendido siempre y no pudo vivirlo / we know that she is talking of what she has known forever and could not live (it)

que no quede nada / may nothing be left
que devenga una transparencia total / may a total transparency arrive (become)

escena dos / scene two

el poema deviene cuenco, luz, instante / the poem becomes vessel, light, instant
la voz---murmullo / the voice---a whisper

escena tres / scene three

una niƱa---una palma al sol---una mirada sola / a girl---a palm to the sun---a gaze alone

dejar todo / to let everything be

si fuera un dibujo / if it would be a drawing

dos espirales que se entrecruzan / two spirals intersecting
no hay centro / no center
no hay bordes / no edges
no hay fin / no end
amarillo profundo a blanco a perforacion / from deep yellow-white-perforation
dos puntos de vista / two points of view

correspondences / I

reflections around love root / silk thread, poem by Sheila Packa
january, 2011 / language-spanish / place-north America-USA- latitude 49 and beyond

poema vertical / vertical poem
ascenso-descenso / ascending-descending
despojamiento y al despojarse, el vuelo / relinquishing and through it, flight
una fuerza ascendente que toca y se va / an ascending force that touches and falls
una fuerza que crece raices-tierrra-gravedad / a force that grows roots-earth-gravity
espirales sin oposicion-simultaneos-persistentes / spirals without opposition-simultaneous-persistents
las palabras indican-apuntan y dejan caer / words point-aim and let fall
testigp-la confianza sobria de ver lo que es / witness-the sober trust of seeing what is
desposesion que no es desamparo, es circuito total-retorno-encuentro / despossesion that is not forloness, total cycle-returning-encounter